Bag Dancing

Bag Dancing

Bag Dancing tells the tale of Imelda, a homeless woman who carries bags overflowing with her belongings. As she begins to unpack, stories of war, displacement, mental health, loss and loneliness are opened up for the audience to explore with her.

This dynamic piece is by Theatre Company Blah Blah Blah, a leading Theatre in Education company based in Leeds. It creates high quality participatory theatre with and for children and young people, using compelling stories to stimulate enquiry and exploration.

Age recommendation: 9 – 16 years
Price: £250 per performance

You can download an education pack to accompany the performance here

For more information, or to make a booking for your school, please contact our Education Officer, Claire Procter, on 024 7684 6708 or email [email protected]

Inspiring Curiosity