DAY 1 - Wednesday 21st October - What can we learn from TiE’s past?

Day One will explore the ways in which TiE has impacted on theatre & education practise for the last 50 years, providing delegates with the opportunity to both experience and discuss a range of participatory practises.

Panel discussion on What can we learn from TiE’s past? with Tony Jackson (Emeritus Professor of Educational Theatre, University of Manchester), Chris Vine (Academic Program Director, M.A. in Applied Theatre, City University of New York, School of Professional Studies), Roger Wooster (TIE practitioner and academic) Deborah Hull (Artistic Director, Theatre Blah Blah Blah).

Breakout Sessions and papers will include:

Developing the participatory experience:

Chris Cooper (formerly of Big Brum), and Deborah Hull (Theatre Blah Blah Blah) will deliver workshops sharing elements of their participatory practise.

The Exotic Outsider: Antony Haddon (formerly of Theatre Blah Blah Blah) will deliver a workshop on rich ingredients for TiE

Using New Technologies to evolve participatory practise:

Paul Sutton (C&T) - ‘Re-purposing Theatre-in-Education in the Digital Age’; Alison Reeves (University of Worcester) - ‘The Silent Majority’.

The Role of the Director within Theatre in Education:

Hannah Phillips (Birmingham City University) - ‘Making Intermedial Applied Performance for Young People: The Role of The Director’
Geoff Readman (freelance theatre consultant) - ‘The Contribution of the Director in Participatory TiE’.

Unlocking Potential through Performance:

Oliver Scott (Mercurial Dance Ltd) - ‘Practise Meets People’ – a case study on using dance to bring about personal change in a school setting.

Lali Dangazele & Lalu Mokuku (ShakeXperience, South Africa) - ‘Creating work that develops agency, voice and empowerment: Short Stories Alive!’ - A case-study of how Theatre in Education can be used to improve and empower underperforming schools in South Africa.

How can psycho-physical actor-training methods developed with young people with learning disabilities foster their engagement with society? Richard Hayhow (Open Theatre) and Jo Trowsdale (University of Warwick) share an insight into the how and why of such practice.

The day will include an extract of the Belgrade Theatre’s Black Youth Theatre production BROKEN about young people’s experiences of the Education system.

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Tickets for the conference can be booked for either one or both days.

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The Inspiring Curiosity Conference is being delivered in partnership with Coventry University and the University of Warwick, Coventry City Council, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Warwick Arts Centre and Big Brum.

“I support drama in schools because there is no substitute for direct communication person to person.”


Inspiring Curiosity