DAY 2 - Thursday 22nd October - Theatre & Learning: Inseparable in our Future.

Day Two will explore the role of theatre in developing voice, agency and social impact. It will include a series of provocations put together by young people for artists, educators, researchers and policy makers with a view to considering the future of theatre and learning for the next 50 years.

Panel discussion on Theatre & Learning: Inseparable in our Future?, hosted in partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company with Lyn Gardner (The Guardian), Iqbal Khan (RSC), Justine Themen (Belgrade Theatre). Other panelists to be confirmed.

Breakout Sessions and papers will include:

Theatre for Voice & Agency:

Dr Sarah Olive (University of York, British Shakespeare Association) - ‘Teaching Shakespeare for citizenship education in South East Asian Higher Education’

Erin Walcon (University of Exeter) - ‘Making Grit: devised youth theatre as resilience-building’.

Jennifer Kitchen, (University of Warwick) - ‘Playful Theatre’.

Danny Braverman (Goldsmiths, University of London) - ‘Releasing the Bottled Spider: How British TIE/YPT was an incubator for Disability Theatre’

Adam Annand (London Bubble) - ‘Communication, creativity and children, the Speech Bubbles partnership programme’

Dr Victoria Elliot (Oxford University Department of Education) - ‘Drama and developing vulnerable youth: the power of ‘double subjectivity’

Tony Horitz & Sharon Muiruri (State of Play Arts, Dorset) - ‘The Lives of Others - Using TIE in Applied Theatre Contexts with Marginalised Groups’

Peter Rumney and Nettie Scriven, (Dragon Breathe Theatre, Nottingham) - ‘The role of Kinaesthetic Activity & of Empathy in fostering memorable learning experiences - a case study of ‘A Crack in Time’’

Partnerships and Social Impact:

Sarah-Jane Watkinson (The Playhouse Theatre in Education, Birmingham)-‘Tapestry - using drama within the preventing violent extremism agenda’

Michael Wicharek (Box Clever Theatre)- ‘The HATE PLAY Project - The role of creative collaboration in challenging hatred’.

Dr Steve Ball (Birmingham Repertory Theatre)- ‘Partnership Working’

Caroline Barth (Derby Theatre) - ‘Solace of the Road - Where do Care, Culture and Education Meet?’

Tony McBride & Effie Makepeace (Cardboard Citizens) - ‘A Matter of Mind: Using Forum Theatre to think through Neuroscience’

Ádám Bethlenfalvy (Insite Drama, Hungary) ‘Benched - an international TIE project reflecting Hungary’.

The day will include an extract of the Belgrade Theatre’s Asian Youth Theatre production SOMEWHERE TO BELONG, which explores identity, religion and finding your place in society.

Download the full Conference schedule here Download

Tickets for the conference can be booked for either one or both days.

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The Inspiring Curiosity Conference is being delivered in partnership with Coventry University and the University of Warwick, Coventry City Council, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Warwick Arts Centre and Big Brum.

“I support drama in schools because there is no substitute for direct communication person to person.”


Inspiring Curiosity